After spending six months aboard the International Space Station (ISS), last year, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet warned of the consequences climate changevisible even from space. He believes that investments in space exploration can have a positive effect, despite the fact that they contribute to some extent to greenhouse gas emissions.


He, who had already been in space in 2016, said that on this latest visit, the effects of human activities have become even more evident. From his vantage point on the planet, the astronaut has seen glaciers retreat and extreme weather events intensify.

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In addition to being an astronaut, Pesce is also a Goodwill Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Therefore, while on board the ISS, he supported FAO research on agricultural innovation and food production methods.

According to Pesce, “when you look at Earth from a space station, it’s absolutely magical.” He notes that despite not being that far from the planet, the sense of immensity usually felt on earth is diminishing. “When you take a step back and see the Earth in its entirety, you suddenly realize that we live in an oasis in space.” He assured that this vision and awareness makes him value the Earth and protect it.

According to the astronaut, the effects of climate change are becoming more intense every year. “My first mission was in 2016-2017 and my second mission was five years later in 2021. I could see a net increase in the frequency and strength of extreme weather events like hurricanes like wildfires,” he said.

There is hope for planet Earth

Fortunately, Pesce sees a door at the end of the tunnel, including space exploration as a means to help the planet, because “we have satellites that can observe the Earth and measure variables such as wave height, sea temperature, ice in receding polar caps” .

In addition, he said that several experiments are currently being carried out aimed at protecting the Earth. Among the examples given by the astronaut is the behavior of fluids in orbit. This research aims to understand how the movement of magma and lava within the planet and the movement of waves in the ocean can help predict some of the most extreme weather events affecting our environment.

The need to limit resources such as water, food, and even oxygen aboard the International Space Station opened up other possibilities for Pesce. He believes that a similar technique can be used on Earth. “I think people on Earth can learn a lot about how space technology works with water, how we recycle water, how we recycle oxygen in the air,” said the FAO/UN Ambassador.

Space exploration is not environmentally friendly

Thomas Peske admits that space travel is also a source of greenhouse gases, but for him travel is a “necessary evil”. However, the French believe that the negative and positive consequences must be weighed and taken into account in appropriate proportions. “There are so few missile launches that compared to aviation, automotive or other industries, our influence is negligible,” he said.

Looking to the future, the astronaut says he is optimistic because “we are quite creative, we have the technology and we have the will. If we can get the space station to fly, we can save the planet.”


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