In recent years, the industry games is undergoing an obvious technological evolution, and the market is increasingly seeking to attract new consumers. In this context, many may think of consoles as a platform that would attract the attention of the players. However, the gaming industry is currently in charge of mobile gaming.


Until around the 2000s, mobile games were not seriously considered as a gaming platform as they were still established in the technology market and did not have powerful hardware for many games. Panorama starts to change after arrival iPhone in 2007 and since then mobile devices have paved the way to become the leading gaming market with over 50% share in the industry.

Image: Reproduction/Shutterstock
Image: Reproduction/Shutterstock

And in connection with this reality of the gaming industry, several questions can be discussed. First, you need to think about the affordability factor associated with mobile phones: we must not forget that nowadays everyone has a mobile phone, regardless of the model used, and many functions make a mobile phone something even necessary in everyday life. life. With this in mind, we can already think that even a less powerful mobile device works with some games classics like Chess or Patience.

This factor can be analyzed in numbers. While many consoles have been sold over the past decades, Xbox, Game console or Nintendo, sales of mobile phones exceed sales of video games. According to the Daily Trust, each year Apple Approximately 220 million iPhones have been sold, excluding sales Samsung and other manufacturers. As mentioned above, mobile devices have a number of features that make them more necessary than consoles in a person’s daily life.

But despite this, it can be argued that mobile phones do not have the hardware power of consoles or even computers, and until recently, this was true. On the other hand, technology has evolved and at the same time consumer demand has evolved. At the same time, the demand for more powerful smartphones has transformed the market, and cell phones now have much more powerful hardware capabilities compared to the past. Hence, it even allows developers to work on making mobile games with more processing power, creating games with even richer graphics.

As a result of this evolution of cell phone hardware and developer products, mobile games have naturally evolved as well. There was a time when most mobile games were more casual, like Angry Birds and Candy Crush Saga, great games by the way. However, today we can choose games with better gameplay and more interesting graphics such as “Diablo Immortal”, “Call of Duty Mobile”, “Genshin Impact” and “PUBG Mobile”, and thus the success of this platform matches the popularity of esports with several tournaments around the world.

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In addition, the mobile Internet is also developing. The 5G network is aiming to become something of a mainstay in the mobile phone market soon and could bypass the current Internet access restriction by changing the reality of more expensive data plans. This factor may be related to the revolution that cloud gaming wants to bring to the gaming industry, since the Internet is still a barrier to the ultimate stability of this system.

Therefore, it is not surprising that mobile games are, in fact, the main market of the gaming industry today. Even for this reason, companies such as Electronic Arts and Microsoft seek to promote its achievements on the mobile platform by investing more in this area. While several studies point to a downward trend in the gaming industry, it would be wise to focus more efforts on the mobile side.


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